Stroller Power

I am also a Stroller Power instructor. Stroller Power is an amazing organization designed specifically to help mothers (and fathers!) get exercise WITH their children. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents and for your little ones to find new friends...while you can get in great shape! To check out their website and get more information click here.

Here is the current Stroller Power class schedule:

Days               Time             Class Level     Location   
Mon, Wed, Fri         9:30-10:30am     Level 2                 Campbell Park - 2 Gilman Ave.,
Mon, Wed              5:30-6:30pm       Mixed Level           Campbell Community Center 
                                                                                 Track1 West Campbell Ave.,
Tues, Fri                9:30-10:30am      Level 1                 Houge Park - White Oaks Ave.,
                                                                                 San Jose
Tues, Thurs            9:30-10:30am     Level 2                 Oak Meadow Park - 233 Blossom
                                                                                 Hill Rd., Los Gatos
Saturdays              9:30-10:30am      Mixed Level           Houge Park - White Oaks
                                                                                 Avenue, San Jose

I am the regular instructor for the Mon, Wed group at the Campbell Community Center. Your first class is FREE! So come try it out!